Lifestyle in Los Cabos for a family: Many people I have met in my travels always ask me how I ended up living in Mexico and countless other warm sunny places.  It’s often followed up with something to the effect of once the kids go to college, I’m moving to Mexico. Gazing over at their two kids of perhaps pre-school age amazes me they would put their life’s desire on hold for 15 plus years.

In this dare, I say …post-COVID age where many of us can work and learn online, and at the time of writing this blog, the education system is considering the next steps, why not take the leap and dive into your dreams rather than treading water until you get there. From personal experience, I completely understand the dilemma as it’s a big decision. My first child was born in Puerta Vallarta, and we moved back to Canada, and shortly after that, our second child was born (in Canada) a couple years later. We built a great life back in Canada, but when the first leaves on the trees started to fall, a feeling of dread descended upon me.

Lifestyle in Los Cabos for a family: In my mind, it was time to make a change. I could have easily stayed there and lived vicariously knowing the spring would be six months later and perhaps with the hopes of a winter vacation, but it was not enough for me. Everyone is different, but I knew that is not the life I wanted, so action was needed. Kids were then 6yrs and 4yrs old. With a homework package from their teachers, we did a trial run to Los Cabos as a family in Feb until April. They experienced a new culture, language, and diversity firsthand, rather than reading it in books or watching videos.

After that, we decided as a family to make a full-time move to Los Cabos and never looked back.

If you have any questions about how to transition, connect with me.  I have lived and worked in many countries.

In Los Cabos, the choice of schools and hospitals is excellent. More diverse than my native Canada. Lots of extracurricular activities for kids and adults alike. My kids are fully bilingual, which is a gift that will unknowingly keep giving throughout their lives.

We have many properties with home offices, fiber optic WiFi, and ocean views. Enjoy an early morning fish off the beach before your workday begins or swim in the ocean on your lunch break.

Everyone has a different comfort level to change, but why put your dreams on hold. Life is too short. Seize the moment, and live each day to the fullest. Your future self will thank you for it.

Lisa Torres


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