Los condominios, una opción de inversión inmobiliaria que ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años, ofrecen una serie de ventajas y consideraciones únicas para aquellos que están buscando entrar al mercado de bienes raíces o expandir su cartera de inversiones. Exploremos las ventajas de ser propietario de un condominio, qué factores hacen que un condominio[...]
En el corazón de la deslumbrante península de Baja California Sur, donde el sol besa las playas de arena blanca y el mar de aguas cristalinas acaricia la costa, se encuentra el innovador desarrollo OR Cabo. Estratégicamente ubicado a solo 8 minutos del animado centro de Cabo San Lucas, este proyecto residencial ha capturado la[...]
Imagine a place that could elicit an innermost desire to call it home without a shadow of a doubt. A place is so enamoring that whoever sets foot there will most likely want to build a custom-project, lavish ocean getaway from the ground up. That place could easily be Southern Baja. But along with an[...]
THE AGENCY CONGRATULATES 2021 at The Agency was nothing short of extraordinary. The brokerage achieved its most successful year yet, hitting over $11 billion in sales volume over the course of the year, up 69% from 2020. The average sales price across the company was a lofty $1.92 million, and each agent closed $12.8 million[...]
2021 was the hottest year in the history of the Real Estate market of Los Cabos. For the first time, it was a seller’s market, with the number of single-family home transactions rising 126% and a median price gain of 49% year over year. Condo transactions soared 192% with a median price gain of 19%.[...]
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    TYPE J

      TYPE F

        TYPE E

          MODEL F-2B

            TYPE H

              TWO BEDROOM