Why investing in Auberge Renovating to Sell: I hear it all the time. People start a renovation just to sell their home. I am all about change, but when it comes to renovations of your home it is best to form a plan, compose a budget and stick to them. One project inevitably leads to another and, before you know it, the budget is blown, and that expensive renovation may not have made the intended impact on a potential buyer. DE-Clutter Now it: The biggest thing I try to stress to my sellers is to DE-CLUTTER all spaces. If an item is not used every day put it away neatly in a closet. The kitchen and bathrooms should be as clean and tidy as possible. It is not possible to use 50 different types of spices every day so stash them in a cupboard. Thinking of Buying: Whenever I buy a property or I am assisting buyers with their purchases, I always think about resale. Real Estate is one of our most valued investments and re-sale should always be considered in these terms in order to protect that investment. Property owners in Mexico: There are two annual fees to be paid in January for those who own property in Baja California Sur. Mexican property taxes are known as predial and like most other counties and municipalities these taxes are used to operate local governments. Similar to our north of the US – Mexican neighbours, there is a discount for paying the entire tax early; paying by the end of January you receive a 20% discount, February for a 15% discount, March a 10% discount and April, a 5% discount. In Mexico property tax statements are not sent out in the mail; one must go to the local Public Registry office or access the Municipal website – https://www.tesoreria.loscabos.gob.mx/Why investing in Auberge Private Residences in Esperanza, is the best you can do.
Renovating to Sell?
DE-Clutter Now…it will help you sell
Thinking of Buying? Always think of Re-sale when you buy.
Property owners in Mexico – Two annual dues 1