Vámonos de hiking a la sierra de la laguna

  I vividly remember the first time I heard about La Sierra de La Laguna, the mountain range located between Los Cabos and La Paz. My friend Carlos, 5th generation born and raised in Baja California Sur, shared with me tales of incredible experiences he had with friends and family in this special place. The […]

a plastic ocean, is that what we want?

A Plastic Ocean Is That What We Want: Plastic waste is a serious problem that has been around for years, and far from solving this problem, we just turn our heads the other way and let it get bigger and bigger. Unfortunately, the ocean suffers the worst part of this problem.

DE-Clutter Now…it will help you sell

DE-Clutter Now it: The biggest thing I try to stress to my sellers is to DE-CLUTTER all spaces. If an item is not used every day put it away neatly in a closet. The kitchen and bathrooms should be as clean and tidy as possible. It is not possible to use 50 different types of […]

Exploring the deep blue of Los Cabos

Embrace your intrepid nature and get in the water under the supervision of experienced guides. There is nothing quite like being in seemingly infinite, dazzling, blue water with a shark – in their element, under their terms.

Property owners in Mexico – Two annual dues 1

Property owners in Mexico: There are two annual fees to be paid in January for those who own property in Baja California Sur. Mexican property taxes are known as predial and like most other counties and municipalities these taxes are used to operate local governments. Similar to our north of the US – Mexican neighbours, […]