Keep it simple

This pandemic has definitely opened our eyes in many ways and taught us valuable lessons. Still, the most important one I’ve learned is to keep things simple. We lived in a highly fast-paced world that made us believe life was just about being first, possessing, achieving no matter what.

10 things you´ve got wrong about cabo

Like some foreign places, Mexico, including Los Cabos, has myths and assumptions, many of which may not be true. Living in Cabo, you hear a few of the same untrue statements being repeated over the years. Here are 10 things you may have wrong about Cabo.

5 reasons to move to todos santos

5 Reasons To Move To Todos Santos: Imagine a place where the weather is perfect, the food delicious, the neighbors are friendly, vast undeveloped land surrounded by ocean, desert, tropical palm trees and not so distant mountains. A place where time seems to slow down.